Last weekend we took Alan's parents up to Sonoma County to taste along the Wine Road as part of the annual Winter Wineland event. We started off at our favorite haunt in Healdsburg, Manzanita Creek, then made our way to Hawkes Wine to pick up our December shipment. From there we went to Dutcher Crossing, Michele Schlumberger and finally Mounts Family Winery. The weather started out iffy - cold and foggy until about noon - but for the remainder of the day it was clear and sunny which definitely lent itself to a more convivial atmosphere at each of the participating wineries. At Manzanita Creek we picked up a case of one of my favorite Zinfandels but otherwise kept the purchases at a minimum for the rest of the day since we're currently a one-income household. A couple of years back - after experiencing a rather hectic and overwrought Barrel Tasting Weekend - we'd decided to skip out on events up in Wine Country but given that this event is in January, right after the holidays, it tends to attract a smaller crowd. Also, we went up on Sunday so all the big groups had already made their way through. It was a really great day and a fun way to spend time with Alan's parents, but I have to admit that it took a lot out of me with this lingering sickness. That night I took a long nap and the next day I slept in quite late. And no, it wasn't because I had a hangover.