Since then I've been growing out my hair and haven't visited a salon since. Yes, it's been well over a year since I've had a professional cut or color. The horror!
If my mullet started growing out and I needed those wispy ends cut off, I called Alan into the bathroom and handed him a pair of shears. If my roots started showing, I called on my friends Feria, Garnier or Clairol. After awhile my hair started to grow and I actually had a full head of hair to contend with, a situation pretty foreign to me since 2007 when I first went pixie. After Christmas I got tired of being a red-head and went back to dark brown. I also had my mullet cut off again, leaving me with a dark, blunt bob. It's kind of boring looking, actually. Very middle aged teacher, if you ask me.
So I'm looking for a new do. I can't decide if I want to keep the length and just style it up a bit or if I want to go back to something shorter. I've been looking around online and it appears that all the styles I'm drawn to are worn by blondes. Given that I just went dark brown that's not happening anytime soon. Also, these people are all much thinner than me, so there's that whole situation to contend with.
Here are a handful of the hairdos I like and am thinking about, but I just can't narrow it down to one. The last one would be the easiest I think, in terms of change, as it's about the same length I have now with some layers and style thrown in for good measure. And of course the Michelle Williams cut would be the most extreme given that it's the shortest version. Torn.
The last one! Ilove that...it's short, but A Style. Very good-looking.