I was supposed to have a Skype call with my boss today but I told him I look like one of the zombies from The Walking Dead and I didn't want to be seen by anyone so we're doing a call instead.
We have a lot of family travel coming up. In May I want to go to Montana for a long weekend to visit my mom. She's going through chemo following her surgery and I want to spend some time with her since chemo sucks and it can get your spirits down. Obviously since she feels like crap it won't be a huge trip - just hanging out enjoying each others company. Allegiant Air recently launched a direct flight between Oakland and Bozeman that is super cheap, but unfortunately it flies on Thursdays and Mondays which aren't exactly the most convenient. We also want to go to Ohio again for the 4th of July. Airfare between OAK and CLE is ridonkulous. Usually Southwest is a good option but even the flights with layovers are close to $600. I'm thinking of booking us a direct flight from SFO for cheaper. Yeah, we have to go to San Francisco but the money - and time - saved should be worth it.
Remember how I quit Facebook? Well, unfortunately several of the websites I read and comment on (not blogs) had me logged in via Facebook to comment. So yeah, apparently I do need Facebook - even if it doesn't need me. I signed up for a new account and only friended my immediate friends - those I know in real life and spend time with - and family. Within a day people had somehow found me and were trying to friend me. Go away! (Yes, that is me being incredibly anti-social.)
What else? Oh yeah. There's a super secret project going on here at the casa. It's been in the works since January. I can't mention it quite yet because I don't want to jinx anything, but it should be wrapped up soon and then I'll tell you all about it. It's quite the fun one!
I leave you with two recent pictures of Dakota. Mostly because I love her so much, think she's the most beautiful (albeit temperamental) cat in the world ... and I hate long blog posts without pictures.

Dakota is the sweetest funniest little girl. I just love her. I can't wait to see you guys. We'll have a nice visit. Let's hope for good weather! :)