We picked up a package of it at the store last week, having had a really great pheasant pate at the Granville Public Market last September. As you can imagine, we don't eat a lot of pheasant (not that I'm opposed to it; it's just not widely available) so I didn't know what to think about this pate, but I definitely wanted to give it a try. We got home Sunday night from a weekend away at a friend's beach house up north to find our kitchen completely devoid of anything for dinner. Being the resourceful kids that we are, we pulled out some cheese, cornichons, very thinly sliced Acme bread, and the pate. It was, in a word, delicious. The flavors were interesting enough to be an unexpected treat for your guests, but not too unexpected. I could definitely taste the rosemary and pecans, which I associate with warm kitchens and fragrant meals.