Let me say straight away that the title of this post is a bit misleading because you are not going to tour my home. I am not one of those people that decorates the kitchen, the bathroom, and the bedroom. Rather, I decorate the main rooms and then call it a day. When we still lived in the house I used to put in a bit more effort, but with the rental we're in I focus on just the living/dining/office nook. Open concept for the win!

I really love how the silver tip tree worked out, but am a bit dismayed about where a whole box of ornaments seems to have disappeared to. I looked back and pics from last Christmas and I don't see them on that tree either, but I know that I have them because they are some of the earliest ornaments I started collecting back when we first moved in together. They exist, I just don't know what black hole they've fallen into.
I also said this during last year's Christmas photos but it bears repeating - I really, really, really hate the paint color the condo owners used in most of the rooms in this apartment. When you're sitting here, you can almost forget how hideous it is, but when you have candles on and you photograph a room? Everything skews to a lovely, mottled band aid color. It's very noticeable in some of these pics. It's so gross. When we first moved in I wanted to paint the whole place but Alan was having none of that. After awhile I relented and even came around to his way of thinking because (1) I'm lazy, and (2) we were only going to be here for a year. Well, we're coming up on two years and now I'm wishing we had just painted before we moved any furniture in. Oh well. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that. Just pretend that the walls are a really lovely neutral instead of Bandaid.
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I'm linking up to DIY Showoff The DIY Party, Remodeloholic's 12 Days of Christmas link party, and Jennifer Rizzo's 2014 Holiday House Walk Linkup.