Last year, we spent a day with our friends from Mercury Wine at a special event for wine club members where we did a blind blending exercise. At the end of the day the best blend was chosen the winner. Brad then takes the winning wine and bottles it as a special blend for other Cru wine club members. I don't like to brag (yes, yes I do), but Alan and I are the reigning champions. (The year before we won our table but came in 6th place overall.)

Well, it's been a year since that fateful day, and the Cru blending competition is this Saturday. During the earliest phases of my recovery I was off the booze because I didn't think I wanted to be drinking alcohol while trying to recover. Now that I've progressed from the torture phase to the merely uncomfortable phase, I've been reacquainting myself with Brad's wines in an effort to prep for the event. Unlike last year, I also plan to go back through Mercury's Instagram account to see what wines they've been bringing in from the fields. I don't want to get caught off guard again this year with a Zinfandel being thrown into the mix.
I just hope I have enough stamina to make it through the day. This will really be a test for me. Going to Target on Sunday was a bit of a trial for me. I'm hoping that since most of the time I'll be sitting, it won't be too difficult for me. It's the standing and walking for long periods of time that I'm having the most trouble with, so I think I should be okay for the event. If not, well, we'll leave early and forfeit our crown. I hope it doesn't come to that because like I said last year, I come to win. It's kind of a problem really, this competitive nature of mine.
Wish us luck!