We spent last week visiting with my sister's family in Ohio. Before heading out there, my sis and I had spent a lot of time combing Pinterest for family Halloween costumes and decorations for the kids' school Trunk or Treat event on Sunday. Jenny is a labor and delivery nurse and unfortunately had to work the night before. This unfortunately meant all of our best laid plans were quickly tossed out the window come Sunday morning. Around 11 a.m. we grabbed the girls and ran to Walmart to pick up costumes for the kids. We ran home, got everyone ready, and then headed off to St. Mary's for the party, trunk or treating, and the town's parade. Afterward, we went over to Carlisle Township for the Halloween walk through the woods with the kids. Unfortunately I got bit by a skeeter smack dab in the middle of my forehead, so that sucked. On Monday Alan met up with his friend in Oberlin (his wife is a professor there), about 20 minutes from my sister's house. Wednesday we joined Jenny at the Elks while she participated in her weekly bowling league. Thursday was the city-wide trick or treating and hot damn was it awesome! I knew it was going to be good, but I never anticipated just how much fun it would be. Trick or treating was from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We started out around 6:15 and there were already a few hundred kids milling about a 10-block radius. By 6:45 p.m. there were kids as far as the eye could see. People really do it up for Halloween in my sister's neighborhood. Before we knew it, it was time to hop on a plane back home, and now here I am on my last week of medical leave. While I loved spending the week with my family, I think maybe it wasn't the best thing for my health. The plane ride there was uncomfortable. The ride home was pretty much excruciating, especially the Chicago > Oakland leg of the trip. And now, of course, I'm totally sick - cough, sore throat, stuffy head. I just can't win.