So now I have to find someone that is available on our date and who doesn't charge an arm and a leg. There are two or three photographers whose work I really, really, really love, but I just can't justify spending $800 - $1500 on an hour's worth of anniversary photos, especially when airfare, hotel, and car rental came in at just over $3000. This is already going to be an expensive trip, so I want something that will turn out lovely, but is also economical for us since let's be honest - this is a splurge.
In the evenings I've been looking at various photographer's websites and I thought I had found one that would fit the bill, but I'm finding that she takes her clients to the exact same spot and poses them in the exact same poses. After seeing the same picture over and over again, I got a little turned off by her approach. It's too bad too because she's the most reasonably priced.
I found another photographer this weekend whose style is a bit hip for me and what I'm looking for, but I have to say that she took pictures of what I am calling the Best. Wedding. Ever. There is no way if you were a guest at this event that you weren't having the most amazing time. And that's one thing I love about photography - the ability to tell a story with images. There is no doubt about it that these rank as some of the best I've seen.
Photographer: Tamiz Photography
Location: Haiku Mill, Maui

See? Just gorgeous.
Okay, the more I think about it maybe this photography style isn't too hip for me. Maybe it's exactly what I'm looking for. Because really? I love me a good Photoshop action. I think the photos I've posted here are proof of that. I've just never really seen them applied so thoroughly to wedding portraiture.
Maybe. Hmm.
I think I could justify the price.
I wonder ... because the more I think about it, the more in love with these photos I am. But would just the two of us ragamuffins on a beach in Hawaii have the same effect? Would we look as gloriously playful and carefree? Would people look at our photos and think WOW?
I'm not gonna lie - that's one hot bride right there, but I think my groom is pretty hot himself so maybe we could look just as great in the hands of these talented professionals?
Much to think about.
Much to discuss.